Friday, July 19, 2013

Awesome Moment ~ Had to Share

I had to share what was a great moment for me this morning....for everyone else they'll be like really? I have always had a gag reflex and been totally unable to swallow pills. We used to think it was because I accidentally swallowed a whole Luden's cherry cough drop in 1st grade and it scared the crap out of me....nope it's just part of being an Aspie! So over the years I've been given liquid meds...chewable meds...meltaways...shots...or I have to crush the pill and eat it in pudding (I hate applesauce!) which has resulted in some of the nastiest tastes ever to be experienced. My Adderall...I chew them! I know you're technically not supposed to chew the tablets but I chew it and it makes my tongue turn blue so it's kind of cool! My Xanax, yes I know they're tiny, I break them in half and I swallow each half alone...why? Because they're oblong shape and therefore will turn and get stuck, yes that's what my brain has made me believe. So today...I have a new antibiotic for a week....never taken this one before. Thursday night I crushed the first one and ate it in pudding...wasn't bad at all. This morning I got all brave and decided to swallow the sucker! So I turn the iPod on shuffle...and I get Psy's new song Gentlemen. Those who know me know that when I take even my little half a Xanax I have to dance a bit and flap my hands a bit...and we call it the Pill Dance. So today I was doing the dance to Gentlemen...and you know it went down in less than 45 seconds (which is really fast for me, usually stuff starts melting before I get it down). I was sooooo excited I posted on FB...I called my Mom...I texted a few people...most of whom were like um...really? seriously? And then tonight...time for dose true Aspie fashion, since it worked well this morning...same song tonight...same it down in 20 seconds! I'm proud of me!! Now if I can just avoid the nausea/stomach upset it caused this morning I'll be all set! But I'm proud of me...I can now take something about the size of a regular aspirin. I might get adventurous and take my Adderall without's not round...but it's smaller...but that's going to take a little more courage cause it's not round and....I like the way it tastes when I chew it lmaoo!!

Psy - Gentlemen - My Pill Taking Song

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